Thursday, January 17, 2013

Caden Travis Rogers-born June 6, 2002!

Caden is my son by marriage, some call him my step-son, I say their idiots! He's still my son! He just gets two moms to boss him around! =) He was 6 years old when he entered my life so I don't know what he was like as a baby but I will share what I can. Caden stopped growing at about 34 (I think) week gestation. He was delivered early at 36 weeks and spent many weeks in the NICU. They aren't really sure why he stopped growing just that he did! I do know that he was small enough that his blessing outfit fits in a 8x11 picture frame!

Our first Christmas as a Family!

Since Caden has been in my life he has been nothing but a joy! He loves playing with his sister, playing sports! He love swinging but has swim lessons! He flirts with all the girl, and enjoys his time with all his friends! He lives with his mom Wrayla and "step" dad Josh, or I call them his mom and dad Spencer (that's their last name), in Nebraska. He comes to visit us for 2 months in the summer and usually every other big holiday! He also has 2 brothers on his moms side! He is a great kid and a definite blessing in our lives! I am so grateful to be his mama Rogers!

Even though he was very early and tiny when he was born, he sure hasn't let that top him from growing! The doctors predicted him to be around 6'7" as an adult! Let me tell you he is well on his way! He is 10 years old now and wearing size 14 clothes, he's the tallest by far in his grade, and he towers over his cousins that are 2+ years older then him! He is almost as tall as me! He will be looking down on me before I know it!!! He's a good kid though and we sure love and miss him!!!
I love this boy!

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